Vietnam, Kambodscha & Thailand

Asian Emotions (18 Tage)

Bereit für ein adventure? Für Wolkenpass, Parfümfluss und den Ort des untertauchenden Drachen. Für erschütternde Szenen auf den »Killing Fields« und lächelnde Begegnungen mit einem einst gemarterten Land. Dabei hatte es in Angkor das großartigste Bauwerk der Welt geschaffen. Entdecke es auf einer märchenhaften Reise durch Vietnam und Kambodscha.

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Lokaler Verdienst
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Magische Orte




  • In einer Dschunke durch die märchenhafte Halong-Bucht segeln
  • Mit dem Moped durch die Gassen von Hue knattern
  • Per Fahrrad durch die Dörfer von Battambang
  • Tempel-Hopping in Angkor
  • Bangkok – Schmelztiegel der Kulturen


  • Adventure-Trip mit höchstens 16 Gästen
  • Garantierte Durchführung aller Termine
  • Nachtzug von Hanoi nach Hué
  • Inlandsflug von Da Nang nach Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt
  • Fahrten im Reiseminibus und Zug sowie mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln und Taxis
  • 2-tägige Fahrt auf einer Dschunke in der Halong-Bucht
  • 17 Übernachtungen in Hotels, im Nachtzug und auf einer Dschunke
  • 16 x Frühstück, 3 x Mittagessen, 2 x Abendessen
  • Aktivitäten laut Reisedetails
  • Nationalparkgebühren und Eintrittsgelder
  • 207 m² Regenwald auf deinen Namen
  • Englisch sprechende einheimische Reiseleitung in internationaler Reisegruppe
    • Warten auf den Adrenalin-Kick | © Alexander Sass / Chamäleon
      Highlight dieser Reise

      Tempel-Hopping in Angkor Wat

      Na klar, das Must-See Angkor Wat darf auf deiner Reise nicht fehlen, aber einfach nur die Anlage zu bestaunen und abends dann die Fotos ist nicht so Adventure-like, oder? Wie wäre es mit einer Ziplinetour quer durch den Dschungel? Das trifft schon eher unseren Geschmack. Dein Adrenalinspiegel wird dir auch dankbar sein.

      Reiseverlauf Reisedetails

      Was Gäste über diese Reise sagen

      Wer kann besser von einer Chamäleon-Reise berichten, als unsere Gäste höchstselbst? Was ihnen besonders das Herz und die Seele erwärmt hat, haben sie uns auf Trustpilot mitgeteilt.

    Wenn du das Glück hast, schon früh in Hanoi AS-VN-ST-Hanoi1 angekommen zu sein, geh los. Der berühmte Schwertsee mit der roten The-Huc-Brücke, das alte Viertel der 36 Gassen, die Einsäulenpagode in Form einer Lotosblüte oder die fünf Innenhöfe des Literaturtempels. Zusammen mehr Zauber als Zeit.

    Brücke beim Jadetempel in Hanoi | © Klaus-Dieter Feige / Chamäleon

    1.969 saftiggrüne Zipfelmützen dekorieren das Weltnaturerbe Halong-BuchtAS-VN-SO-HalongBucht2 3. Komm an Bord, wir gleiten durch die petrolgrüne »Bucht des untertauchenden Drachen«. Time to relax, denn das Drachenboot gehört uns allein. Es kreuzt und quert durch den Stein gewordenen Märchenwald zu einsamen Höhlen und Grotten, bis in der Kombüse aus den Rätseln der vietnamesischen Küche das Nachtmahl gezaubert wurde.

    Erlebnis Halong-Bucht | © Claudia Exner / Chamäleon

    Der Nighttrain bringt uns 200 Jahre zurück, als die Kaiserstadt Hué AS-VN-ST-Hué4 5 noch Hauptstadt von Vietnam war. Das Leben ist ein anderes, aber auf dem Dong-Ba-Markt ist es geblieben wie eh und je. Lust auf Royal Rice Cake? Dann nichts wie hin. Aber Platz lassen für unseren Trip durch die Altstadt zum »Vietnamesen«. Achtung spicy. Höllischer Treibstoff für unsere nächsten Highlights: die Königsgräber der Nguyen-Dynastie. Zitadelle und Verbotene Stadt. Ewigkeiten für einen Tag und überwiegend Weltkulturerben.

    Kaiserstadt Hue | © falco, Pixabay / Chamäleon

    Der legendäre Wolkenpass teilt Nord- und Südvietnam. Spektakulär
    drüber zum Truck Stop am China Beach. Und dann ein Wunder: Hoi AnAS-VN-ST-HoiAn6 7, einst der bedeutendste Handelsplatz an der Seidenstraße und Weltkulturerbe am Stück. Von deinem Tourguide bekommst du die Green Card für die Musts: Japanische Brücke, Quan-Cong-Tempel, die Phuoc-Kien-Pagode, das berühmte Handelshaus Diep Dong Nguyen. Dann die Kür der Nacht: Kerzenschiffchen schwimmen lassen und die zigtausend Lampions zählen, ob vielleicht eins fehlt.

    Markt in Hoi An | © Ulrike Paries / Chamäleon

    Wir fliegen. Welcome to Ho-Chi-Minh-StadtAS-VN-ST-Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt8 10, dem alten Saigon. Ein bisschen der Wahnsinn, aber eine Stadttour bringt Ordnung rein: Notre Dame, Wiedervereinigungspalast, Xa-Loi-Pagode, Opernhaus, Kriegsopfermuseum. Unser Tipp, wenn der kleine Hunger kommt: Garküchen. Am besten nachts, du erkennst dann nicht so genau, was es mal war. Aber lecker. Am nächsten Morgen ein Irrgarten auf 39.000 Quadratkilometern mit 4.000 Inseln: das Mekong-Delta9. Und wir? Nehmen das Boot, um mehr zu erfahren: vom harten Leben im Delta und wie der Elephant Ear Fish schmeckt. Schon durch? Es geht erst los. Tag zehn gehört dir. Mach, was unvergessen bleibt.

    Rathaus von Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt | © Anthony Brown, / Chamäleon

    Goodbye and hello. Dein Guide durch Vietnam geht, das kambodschanische Pendant übernimmt und mit ihm kommen neue Gäste. Schwer wiegt das Erbe des Pol-Pot-Regimes, das insgesamt zwei Millionen Menschen zu Tode gefoltert hat. Ohne Grauen angesichts der 8.000 Totenschädel im Gedenkstupa und der »Killing Fields« warst du nicht wirklich in Kambodscha. Unser zweiter Tag in Phnom Penh AS-KH-ST-PhnomPenh11 12 gilt glanzvolleren Zeiten: das spirituelle Zentrum Wat Phnom, der Königspalast mit Thronhalle und Silberpagode, das Nationalmuseum. Und zum Sundowner geht es auf die Promenade, wo Tonle Sap und Mekong zusammenfließen.

    Königlicher Palast in Phnom Penh | © Exo Travel Thailand / Chamäleon

    Das Motörchen einer Draisine schiebt uns in die Reisschüssel Kambodschas. Und was kaum zu glauben ist: Die Menschen stehen ein Leben lang gebückt im Wasser und schuften lächelnd für zwei Ernten im Jahr. Gegenüber wird ebenfalls gelächelt. Mit eindeutig mehr Genuss und französischem Kolorit an der eleganten Riverside von BattambangAS-KH-ST-Battambang13. Veredelt durch ein Must-have: Amok (Fischcurry mit Kokoscreme), Khmer-Curry oder Fried Spice Chicken. Boah, hechel.

    Vegetarisches Menü | © Terre Cambodge / Chamäleon

    Um das 12. Jahrhundert herum wurde in der Nähe der heutigen Provinzhauptstadt Siem ReapAS-KH-ST-SiemReap14 begonnen, das größte Heiligtum der Welt zu bauen: Angkor WatAS-KH-SO-AngkorWat15 16, den einzigartigen Haupttempel von über tausend Meisterwerken des sagenhaften Angkor-Imperiums. Ein Drei-Tage-Pass ist deine Eintrittskarte zum Unvorstellbaren: der Zitadelle der Frauen, den Staatstempel Bayon, der Terrasse des Leprakönigs, der Elefantenterrasse, den gewaltigen Steingesichtern. Ein Adrenalintrip bis zum Schluss, wo sich der Tempel Ta Prohm den Würgefeigen ergeben hat.

    Besucherstrom in Angkor Wat | © Terre Cambodge / Chamäleon

    Auf nach Thailand. Was geht in Bangkok AS-TH-ST-Bangkok17 18? Mit dem Riverboat nach Chinatown. Highlife auf dem alten Reismarkt. Zum größten liegenden Buddha im königlichen Tempel Wat Pho. Thai-Massage vielleicht? Oder im Longtailboat durch die Kanäle in eine andere Welt. Du wirst Prioritäten setzen müssen. Je nachdem, wann der Flugplan deinen Erlebnissen ein wehmütiges Ende setzt. Aber es gibt ein nächstes Mal. Andere Zeit, anderes Land. Bis zur nächsten Abenteuer-Reise mit Chamäleon. Mach’s gut.


    Hot and Spicy in Chinatown | © Dieter Scholz / Chamäleon

    18 Tage Adventure-Trip

    1. Tag -


    Xin chao! Welcome to Hanoi! Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6 pm and is followed by a group dinner at KOTO restaurant. This organisation is dedicated to developing the hospitality careers of disadvantaged youth.

    If you arrive before your tour begins there’s plenty to see and do. Consider booking the Hanoi Morning Highlights Urban Adventure, a wide-ranging tour with a local expert guide. This optional tour visits the Temple of Literature, stops by a traditional tea house, and takes you through the Hoa Lo Prison Memorial before concluding at Hoan Kiem Lake. Or maybe take it at your own pace and wander the Old Quarter to admire the city’s French-colonial architecture.

    Meals Included

    Special Information
    It’s very important that you attend the welcome meeting as we will be collecting insurance details and next of kin information at this time. If you are going to be late please let your travel agent or hotel reception know. Ask reception or look for a note in the lobby for more information on where the meeting will take place.

    To book an Urban Adventure before you meet your tour leader, go to

    2. Tag -

    Halong Bay

    Travel by private minibus to World Heritage-listed Halong Bay, which is dotted with sandy coves, grottoes and 1600 limestone islands formed over millennia by wind and water erosion (approximately 4 hours). Board a private boat and cruise the bay, exploring Surprise Cave and perhaps even enjoying a swim from Ti Top Island Beach during the warmer months. Access to Surprise Cave is via staircases. Once inside the cave the pathways are a little uneven and slippery. To end the day, spend an evening aboard the boat beneath the night sky. What better way to get to know your fellow travellers than an old school sleepover in an unforgettable location?

    Meals Included
    Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

    Special Information
    Your wooden junk-style boat has twin-share cabins with air-conditioning and private facilities. There’s also a dining room and bar to enjoy lunch, dinner and breakfast.

    We recommend packing a small overnight bag to take to Halong Bay for ease of boarding and disembarking. You can store your main luggage in Hanoi overnight.

    Kayaking and swimming is restricted to designated zones within the bay.

    There are restrictions on the number of boats that are permitted to stay in the bay overnight, sometimes resulting in a shortage. To ensure all Intrepid travellers can enjoy the experience of a night on the water, occasionally you will stay on a larger boat (with approximately 12 cabins) and share your boat with another group. Or your group may be split across different vessels, in which case an Intrepid group leader will be present on each boat. The route taken and inclusions on board will remain the same.
    3. Tag -

    Hanoi - Overnight train

    Wake up on the waters of Halong Bay, and before you leave the memorable scenery behind, it’s time for one last stop. The Green Life Centre is committed to turning Halong Bay’s trash into treasure by collecting discarded items and skillfully turning them into beautiful handicrafts. Meet the team behind this important cause and learn how to transform rubbish into a useful and reusable bag. After your visit, return by bus to Hanoi (approximately 3.5 hours). Arrive late this afternoon and enjoy free time until tonight’s train voyage. Be sure to grab a bowl of pho while you’re in town and slurp down this local specialty made from broth, noodles and meat. Maybe chill by Hoan Kiem Lake until you board an overnight train to Hue this evening.

    Meals Included

    Special Information
    Shared day use hotel rooms are arranged in Hanoi if you would like to freshen up before the overnight train - one room for every six group members.

    Sleeper trains typically have four or six berth compartments with bench seats that convert into sleeping bunks. A sheet, pillow and blanket are provided, although some travellers prefer to bring their own sleeping sheet. Depending on the configuration of the group, you may need to share with people of different genders or passengers who aren’t part of the group. Your leader will coordinate this and give further information about the train.

    4. Tag -


    Arrive in Hue at approximately 11 am and transfer to the hotel. Once the imperial capital of Vietnam, Hue holds the treasures of the country’s royal past. Enjoy free time in the morning to rest or explore. If you choose the latter (and who can blame you) the bustling Dong Ba Market is a great place to sample some of the specialties that once graced the Nguyen emperors’ tables like banh khoai (royal rice cake). Reunite with the group to visit the war-damaged ruins of the Imperial Citadel, a sprawling city-within-a-city which contains the remains of temples, state houses and the emperor’s palace.

    There are no meals included on this day.

    5. Tag -


    See Hue like a local – from the back of a motorbike! Straddle the saddle and whiz around town with a local guide, taking in historic and contemporary sights along the way. Stop at Thanh Toan to see the 18th-century covered bridge and villagers shopping at their local market. Visit the 17th-century active Buddhist monastery of Thien Mu Pagoda and see the car that belonged to Thích Quang Duc, the monk who self-immolated in 1963 in protest against the treatment of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese regime. For lunch, savour a vegetarian feast in a nunnery. Finish at the lakeside royal tomb of Emperor Tu Duc before heading back to town.

    Meals Included
    Breakfast, Lunch

    Special Information
    The motorbike tour has been assessed for safety and is closely monitored. To participate please ensure your travel insurance covers riding pillion on a motorbike up to 125cc. If you prefer not to participate, please let your leader know and they will arrange car transportation (cost included).

    6. Tag -

    Hoi An

    This morning travel by bus through coastal rice paddies and the spectacular Hai Van Pass (approximately 3 hours). After a photo stop en route, arrive into Hoi An. Recently declared a World Heritage site, Hoi An was a major international trading port during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Today, parts of the beautifully-preserved town retain the feel of centuries past. It’s also a shopping mecca, famous for its plethora of tailors. On arrival your leader will take you on a sightseeing walk through the Old Town to visit a handful of the city’s major attractions. You’ll also be given a sightseeing pass so you can further explore select attractions at your leisure.

    Meals Included

    7. Tag -

    Hoi An

    Today is a free day to explore Hoi An. Maybe browse the cobbled streets and art galleries or hire a bike and cycle through rice paddies out to Cua Dai Beach. Maybe browse for paintings, ceramics and colourful cloth lanterns in the town’s markets and preserved Chinese shophouses. If you’re craving a new look, you could pay a visit to one of the hundreds of tailors and get something special made. Hoi An is also known for its delicious regional food, so be sure to enjoy a meal at a riverside restaurant or perhaps partake in a cooking class.

    Meals Included

    8. Tag -

    Ho Chi Minh City

    Today take a short, early morning flight to Ho Chi Minh City (approximately 1.5 hours). Formerly known as Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City has a fascinating history and is arguably Vietnam’s capital of commerce and culture. After landing, take a sightseeing tour around the city by bus. Pass the Reunification Palace, Notre Dame Cathedral and the Opera House, then stop in at the War Remnants Museum to discover some of the sobering stories of the 20-year-long Vietnam/American War.

    Meals Included

    9. Tag -

    Mekong Delta - Ho Chi Minh City

    This morning head out on a day trip to explore the Mekong Delta. Board a private boat to Ben Tre to visit the coconut gardens and stop at a local home to sample tropical fruits and coconut jams. Afterwards, paddle in sampans (small rowing boats) past coconut trees along the Mekong Delta. Take a tuk-tuk tour around the villages and learn about rural life and the industry created around coconut products like brooms and coconut fibre mats. Eat lunch at a restaurant in the heart of the Delta, sampling regional specialties such as the famous elephant ear fish. Cruise the major waterways to Ben Tre boat pier, then return by bus to Ho Chi Minh City. This evening, perhaps head out to sample some local specialties as a final farewell with your fellow travellers and leader.

    Meals Included
    Breakfast, Lunch

    10. Tag -

    Ho Chi Minh City

    Enjoy a free day in Ho Chi Minh to get out and discover the city at your own pace. Alternatively, why not get an up close and personal history lesson on guerrilla warfare during an Urban Adventures tour to the Cu Chi tunnels. This underground network in the middle of the jungle was used by the Viet Cong during the war. Take the chance to climb into the tunnels and imagine what it would’ve been like to eat, sleep, work and cook – even go to school underground as conflict raged above. Return to Ho Chi Minh where there will be a meeting at 6 pm to welcome any new travellers joining you on the next stage of your adventure. Afterwards, perhaps get to know your new travel buddies over an optional group dinner.

    Meals Included

    Special Information
    As this is a combination trip, the travellers in your group and your group leader are likely to change today.

    Today you may be required to move to a different hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, for the next section of your trip. Your leader will let you know if this is the case and will help with the transfer to the next hotel.

    There will be a welcome meeting to discuss the next stage of your itinerary and meet travellers joining you. It’s important that you attend the meeting as your new leader will be collecting insurance details and next of kin information. Ask reception or look for a note in the lobby for more information on where the meeting will take place.

    11. Tag -

    Phnom Penh

    Travel by public bus across the border, through rural Vietnam and Cambodia and onto Phnom Penh (approximately 10 hours including two border crossings and lunch). Cambodia’s capital city is set on a major junction of the Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers and boasts some fine examples of French-inspired architecture. If you’re looking for a tasty beverage on arrival, head to the Foreign Correspondents’ Club for a mojito on the rooftop or if you’re in the mood for shopping, stop in at the art-deco Psar Thmei (Central Market) or travel out to Psar Tuol Tom Pong (the Russian Market) for the best range of local souvenirs.

    Meals Included

    Special Information
    On the bus journey across the border, you will exit Vietnam at Moc Bai and enter Cambodia at Ba Vet. Your leader will assist you with border crossing procedures. You will also have the comfort of being on the same bus throughout the journey with less hassle at the border crossing by changing vehicles. If you’d prefer not to travel by bus today, you are welcome to book a flight instead (at your own expense).

    12. Tag -

    Phnom Penh

    Today, confront Cambodia’s tragic past on a guided tour of the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (S21), a former school which served as a Khmer Rouge torture centre. It’s estimated that more than 20,000 people were held and tortured here. You’ll also head out to the Killing Fields of Choeung Ek, where a stupa made up of some 8000 human skulls marks the execution ground for the torture victims of Tuol Sleng. Afterwards, you may wish to learn about a brighter period in Cambodian history from an optional visit to the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda. Wat Phnom, shrouded in myth, is equally worth a visit, as is the National Museum with its excellent Khmer collection. Cyclo tours around the city are a great alternative to walking and generally include the Central Market, US Embassy, Wat Phnom, Mekong riverfront, Independence Monument and Royal Palace.

    Meals Included

    Special Information
    The stories and history shared at the Killing Fields of Choeung Ek and Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (S21) are confronting and many travellers will find them upsetting. This is an important part of Cambodia’s recent history that we feel is important for travellers to know. If you would prefer not to join these activities your leader can recommend some optional alternatives. Some further information on visiting these sites can be found here:

    13. Tag -


    Travel by private minibus to Battambang (approximately 6 hours). Break up an otherwise long trip with a visit to the pottery visit in Kampong Chhnang,and learn about the craft of pottery making at local workshops. Then continue to Cambodia’s second-largest city, Battambang, a pretty riverside town of French elegance, friendly Khmer people and beautifully preserved colonial architecture. Why not take part in an optional cooking class to learn the secrets of local dishes such as amok, Khmer curry & fried spicy chicken.

    Meals Included

    14. Tag -

    Siem Reap

    Spend a bit of time riding around the countryside by bike, travelling out to the rural villages around Battambang. This is a great opportunity to get a closer look at what rural life means in Cambodia. Visit local families who have been producing agricultural products the traditional way passed down through generations, like rice paper, dried bananas, and bamboo sticky rice and stop by a Khmer house and relax and enjoy some coconut water while chatting about their life. In the afternoon continue by private minibus to Siem Reap (approximately 3 hours). Our partner for this activity is a local social enterprise that Arrive in Siem Reap in the evening and relax as you prepare for your much-anticipated visit to Angkor tomorrow. Perhaps hit the markets for some delicious street food.

    Meals Included

    Special Information
    The distance covered by bicycle is approximately 24 kms. If you prefer not to cycle, please let your leader know and they will arrange remork (tuk tuk) transportation (cost included).
    We work with a wonderful local social enterprise in the cycling activity who provides training opportunities for the local youth to upskill them and support the local communities.

    15. Tag -

    Siem Reap / Angkor Wat

    A very rewarding morning to get to Angkor Wat in the early hours to watch the sun rising over it as it did in the ancient times (weather permitting). Then Temple-hop with your local guide and make the most of your visit to the world-famous Angkor complex. The temples, dating back as far as the ninth century, were believed to represent the cosmic world and were set in perfect balance, symmetry and composition. The intricately carved bas-reliefs and architectural designs are mind-blowing and there are spectacular photo opportunities at any time of day. Watching a sunrise or sunset is a must. The ruins are scattered over an area of some 160 square kilometres, but the main cluster of temples is close to Siem Reap, so there will be plenty of time to fully appreciate the great archaeological sites of Angkor Wat, Bayon and the jungle-covered Ta Prohm.

    Meals Included

    Special Information
    Temperatures and humidity can be high in Cambodia, especially walking around sights like the Angkor complex where there may be little shade. Be prepared by taking plenty of drink breaks and wearing appropriate skin protection. Some travellers find an umbrella handy to keep the sun off.

    16. Tag -

    Siem Reap / Angkor Wat

    Continue your explorations of the Angkor complex this morning. In the afternoon, Embark on a private local boat discover the floating villages and local daily lives at Chhong Kneas, a trading port of agricultural products on the edge of Tonle Sap Lake, also known as the Great Lake of Cambodia.

    Meals Included

    17. Tag -


    It’s a long drive by private minibus from Siem Reap to Bangkok (approximately 10 hours including border crossings and lunch). Arrive in Thailand’s bustling capital and take in this exciting world of tuk tuks, khlong boats, and street vendors serving up delicious Thai food. Perhaps head out to sample some local specialties as a final farewell with your fellow travellers.

    Meals Included

    Special Information
    If you prefer not to travel by bus for the day, you are welcome to book a flight between the two cities instead. This flight will be at your own expense, however Intrepid can assist with Airport transfers where required.

    Due to strict immigration laws your Cambodian trip leader will escort you to the Cambodian side of the border where you will say farewell before going through immigration unaccompanied. Once exiting immigration you will be met by one of our Thai trip leaders who will escort you to Bangkok. All of our trip leaders have been briefed to ensure this is a simple and smooth process.

    18. Tag -


    Your trip comes to an end this morning, with no further activities planned. However, if you have more time, Bangkok is full of things to do, including the Grand Palace, Temple of the Emerald Buddha, and the fascinating Jim Thompson museum.


    Meals Included

    Vietnam, Kambodscha & Thailand  | Asian Emotions

    Termine & Preise


    Aufpreis Wunschleistungen

    • Einzelzimmer (außer an Tag 2 & 3): ab 415 €
    • Linienflug nach Hanoi und zurück von Bangkok inkl. Rail&Fly (1. Klasse): ab 900 €
    • Transfer zwischen Flughafen und Unterkunft: ab 15 €
    • Vorübernachtung in Hanoi: ab 20 €
    • Anschlussübernachtung in Bangkok: ab 35 €


    Vietnam, Kambodscha & Thailand  | Asian Emotions


    Vietnam, Kambodscha & Thailand  | Asian Emotions


    Vietnam, Kambodscha & Thailand  | Asian Emotions

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