
In touch with happiness (15 Tage)

Zwei Inselchen im Sonnenschein und ein Programm, für das du sonst drei Reisen buchen müsstest. Da sind die kilometerlangen Strände unter flüsternden Palmen, da betört ein unbeschreibliches Grün die Sinne, und Vulkane versorgen die Menschen mit Wasser. Alles auf einmal. Und zum Durchatmen eine herzliche Bitte: Komm rein und sei unser Gast.

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Magische Orte




  • Eat, pray, love in Ubud
  • Wandern zum Gipfel des Mount Batur, um den Sonnenaufgang zu bestaunen
  • Schnorcheln am Riff von Menjangan Island
  • Relaxen am wunderschönen Strand der Gili Islands
  • Radeln und wandern durch traumhafte Landschaft


  • Chamäleon Adventure-Trips
    • Sonnenaufgang am Mount Batur | © Hugo Villegas, Unsplash / Chamäleon
      Highlight dieser Reise

      Wandern zum Gipfel des Mount Batur

      Eigentlich brauchst du gar nicht erst ins Bett gehen. Um 3 Uhr nachts beginnt unser Aufstieg auf den Mount Batur. Du fragst dich, was zur Hölle wir uns dabei gedacht haben, im Dunkeln nur mit einer Taschenlampe bewaffnet einen aktiven Vulkan zu erklimmen? Die Antwort hast du auf dem Gipfel, wenn sich die Vulkane Balis im rötlichen Dunst der aufgehenden Sonne unter dir ausbreiten. Dann sind die Mühen schlagartig vergessen und alles was bleibt ist Glück.

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    »Eat Pray Love«, hast du gesehen? Wenn nicht, auch egal. Im letzten Teil der Selbstfindung kommt die Protagonistin Liz nach Ubud AS-ID-ST-Ubud1 2 und fragt sich, warum die Menschen hier so freundlich zu allem und jedem sind. Da ist es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis sie die Liebe ihres Lebens findet. Und heute du. Wenn du früh ankommst, geh schnuppern in Balis renommierter Kunst- und Kulturszene, denn das Abendprogramm auf dem Gianyar Night Market ist schon fix. Wer hier kein Haustier kaufen will, der isst zumindest eins. Zweite Runde mit deinem Guide ins echte Leben der Balinesen, ihre Reisfelder, ihr Tagwerk, die Ateliers und Cafés. Dann ist es gut, mit Ubud.

    Tempel in Ubud | © Helena Lovincic, / Chamäleon

    Helm auf für eine unvergleichliche Radtour durch die fast unberührte Landschaft ins beschauliche Leben kleiner Dörfer. Fortsetzung im Minivan. Ein Meer aus sattem Grün und spiegelnden Reisterrassen begleitet unsere Fahrt nach Sidemen AS-ID-ST-Sidemen3. Im Hintergrund brummelt Mount Agung vor sich hin und gibt sich im Übrigen friedlich, wie alles in diesem verzauberten Landstrich, der vom Tourismus nicht viel mitbekommt. Hier übernachtest Du im traditionellen Dorf Sibetan AD-ID-UN-Sibetan4 bei einer lokalen Familie. Homestay, das verspricht authentische Begegnungen und einen Blick hinter die Kulissen.

    Radtour durch die Reisfelder in Sidemen | © Leonard Lehne / Chamäleon

    Mount Batur AS-ID-SO-MountBatur5 ist der kleinere der vulkanischen Brüder, aber er gleicht sein Defizit an Höhe durch zwei respektable Krater aus. Und überrascht als Zugabe mit einem idyllischen See, dem Lake Batur. Also nichts wie rauf, um den Fischern beim täglichen Brot- bzw. Fischerwerb zuzusehen. Unser zweiter Blick gilt einem Spektakel, das leider nur sehr früh möglich ist: die Bergtour auf den Batur zum Sonnenaufgang. Unschlagbar schön.

    Junge Frau am Wasserfall | © Soft_Light, / Chamäleon

    Zwei Fahrstunden von Lovina AS-ID-ST-Lovina6 7 liegt das Menjangan-Island-Korallenriff. Kein schönerer Platz zum Schnorcheln als in diesem Teil des Bali-Barat-Nationalparks.

    Schwimmender Tempel auf Bali | © Pixabay / Chamäleon

    Das Hochland um Bedugul ist eine beglückende Landschaft aus vulkanischen Seen in einer Fassung aus ungezähmtem Grün. Etwas gepflegter darf sich die Natur im Botanischen Garten von Bedugul entwickeln. Mit seinen über 2.000 Pflanzenarten verabschieden wir uns von den Highlands an die Zuckerbäckerstrände von SanurAS-ID-ST-Sanur8. Reichen fünf Kilometer weißer Sand für alles, was dir zu süßem Leben einfällt? Dann mach’s.

    Wasserspiele | © Kate Czuczman / Chamäleon

    Das gleiche wie vor 100 Jahren. Genug geplantscht. Es gibt noch mehr zu sehen, nebenan auf der Schwesterinsel Lombok und dennoch eine komplett andere Welt. Da ziehen die Ochsen in Tetebatu AS-ID-ST-Tetebatu9 noch uralte Pflüge in Zeitlupe durch leuchtend grüne Reisfelder. Und in Labuan Pandan AS-ID-ST-LabuanPandan10 11 wird noch gewebt, getöpfert und vor allem gekocht wie eh und je. Ein Gaumenschmaus ganz anderer Art, aber ohne Zweifel ein Festessen.

    Durch die Reiterrassen von Tetebatu | © Leonard Lehne / Chamäleon

    Kann man Bambus weben? Man kann, jedenfalls auf Lombok. Und eine Menge Handwerk mehr, wie uns der Markt beweist. Immer mit einem Auge in Richtung Mount Rinjani, einem heiligen Inselbogenvulkan, an dessen Fuß sich rund 20 Dörfer angesiedelt haben. Stets in der Hoffnung, dass sein Ausbruch im Jahr 2010 der letzte gewesen sein möge. Wir entscheiden uns für das Dorf Senaru AS-ID-ST-Senaru12 am Rande des Dschungels und weit genug weg für ein herrliches Panorama auf den Bruddler. Auch der Singang Gila spuckt, ähnlich spektakulär wie der Rinjani, aber in die andere Richtung. »Verrückter Wasserfall« sagen die Einheimischen dazu, aber was ist schon verrückt daran, sich von der Gischt der herabstürzenden Wassermassen erfrischen zu lassen? Teil zwei der Erfrischung folgt sogleich, wir müssen im Archipel der Gili Islands nur noch die schönste Insel zum Schnorcheln und Schnarchen finden. Ist aber schon entschieden: Gili Air, die wird’s.

    Dorfstraße | © Leonard Lehne / Chamäleon

    Nichts! Schönstes Nichts! Ein schöner Schluss ziert alles. Und das schön verschlafene Gili-Archipel AS-ID-SO-GiliAir13 14 15 sowieso. Der Strand ist extrem schön lang, das Wasser extrem türkis, die Palmen extrem hoch, die Strandbars extrem sortiert, die Sonne extrem … und so weiter. Aber am schönsten könnte es sein, wenn du zur blauen Stunde daliegst und zusiehst, wie über Bali die Sonne untergeht. Mit einem schönen bunten Cocktail, versteht sich. Dass morgen dein Flieger nach Hause geht, ist vielleicht nicht so schön, aber dass es bei Chamäleon noch viele schöne Abenteuer-Reisen gibt, das ist gewiss das Allerschönste.


    Traumstrand von Gili | © Leonard Lehne / Chamäleon

    15 Tage Adventure-Trip

    1. Tag -


    Om Swastiastu! Welcome to Ubud, Bali’s largest Hindu town, and artistic and cultural heart. Your adventure officially kicks off with a welcome meeting at 6 pm where you’ll meet your group leader and travel companions. If you arrive early, you might like to wander the traditional market stalls near the centre of town, pop into a local café or stretch out your muscles after your flight with a spot of yoga at one of the zen studios in town. After your Welcome Meeting this evening, perhaps head out to for a group meal at one of the delicious local restaurants.

    There are no meals included on this day.

    Special Information
    If you have prebooked an airport arrival transfer upon arrival at Bali please make your way to the Golden Bird Lounge after clearing immigration. After you exit customs walk to the Golden Bird Lounge which is on the right side (around 50 meters from where you exit customs). The Golden Bird lounge is before the area where all the drivers are waiting.

    See our guide to Ubud here:

    It’s very important that you attend the welcome meeting as we will be collecting insurance details and next of kin information at this time. If you are going to be late please let your travel agent or hotel reception know. Ask reception or look for a note in the lobby for more information on where the meeting will take place.

    2. Tag -


    Start the day with a guided walking tour around Ubud with your local leader (about 2.5 hours). Gain an insight into daily village life as you pass lush rice fields, an alang alang valley (type of wild grass used to make the roof of traditional buildings) and stop by a Balinese home for coffee. The tour ends in central Ubud, where you’ll have time to explore the many cafes, galleries and shops on your own. In the evening, sit down and enjoy a traditional Kecak dance performance. Driven not by musical instruments, but by human chanting, this fascinating theatrical performance is considered a highlight by many of our travellers.

    Meals Included

    Special Information
    Please note that the Kecak dance performance is not available at the moment and will be replaced by other Balinese dance performance.

    3. Tag -

    Ubud - Sidemen

    Today you’ll explore the area from a different angle – from the saddle of a bike. Enjoy a 2.5-hour tour through backstreets, villages and rice fields. It’s a relatively easy ride – much of the route is downhill – and there will be plenty of opportunities to stop for photos or a brief rest. You’ll also stop to check out some small, intricately carved temples, before concluding your bike tour back in Ubud. After refuelling with lunch, head for the hills to the village of Sidemen, via private minivan. Set against a backdrop of Bali’s highest peak, Mt Agung, the peaceful village of Sidemen is proof that Bali still has some pockets that are untouched by tourism.

    Meals Included

    Special Information
    Bicycle helmets are included on your ride, and there is a support vehicle if the going gets too tough.

    Keep in mind, it’s a little cooler up here, thanks to the elevation. You may need to pack some warmer clothes.

    4. Tag -

    Sidemen - Sibetan Village

    Take a morning walk (approximately 2 hours) around Sidemen’s rice terrraces, visiting the craftspeople of the local songket weaving industry, a traditional ’bungkus’ lunch is included. The walk is a great chance to take in the beautiful scenery before we kiss Sidemen goodbye and make tracks to Sibetan Village. You’ll be given a special welcome by the chief of the village, then check into your homestay accommodation before enjoying some free time in the afternoon. You might like to explore the traditional village a little or simply just relax and take in the atmosphere here. Alternatively, you could take on an optional cooking class and learn the secret ingredients and spices of the traditional cuisine here. This evening, you’ll enjoy some time spent with the locals and be treated to a typical dinner of salak (snake fruit), prepared for you by the villagers.

    Meals Included
    Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

    5. Tag -

    Sibetan Village - Mt Batur

    This morning, you’ll enjoy a guided walk through an ancient Salak Plantation with the opportunity to interact with the local community. Here, you’ll see cultural heritage plants – the remains of a white mango tree which was first planted in Sibetan in the 16th century as well as a Jaka Moding Plant (a type of palm tree) which is a relic plant. You’ll tuck into Tipat Blayag (Rhombus) for lunch; rice wrapped in young coconut leaves, combined with side dishes of chicken and vegetables. After some time exploring the village and surrounds on foot, you’ll take to four wheels for a journey higher into the mountains, driving along the crater rim road to a fishing village on the edge of Lake Batur. Volcanic Mt Batur (1717 metres/5633 feet) sits inside a stark and spectacular caldera and with Lake Batur below, it’s a stunning sight. The lake supports the local fishing industry, while many of the villagers work as guides for the volcano climb. Your accommodation for the evening is in a great location to start tomorrow’s early morning trek without extra travelling time.

    Meals Included
    Breakfast, Lunch

    Special Information
    There are often mosquitos and bugs around Lake Batur, so be sure to pack your insect repellent. Long pants and sleeves will also be useful to protect from insects.

    6. Tag -

    Mt Batur - Lovina

    It’s a very early start today – you’ll wake bright and early at around 3 am to begin the 1.5 to 2-hour walk to the summit of Mt Batur in order to reach the top before sunrise. Trust us, it’s worth the effort. On a clear morning, it’s possible to see all the way across the Lombok Strait to the peaks of Lombok’s Mt Rinjani. The view of the gorgeous sunrise over the valleys of Bali may well be the most memorable part of your trip. Do keep in mind, however, that the weather can be unpredictable and sometimes the view is obscured by clouds. After descending the volcano, there’s an option to soak in hot springs with fantastic views over the lake and caldera. Then make the journey from the mountains to the small coastal town of Lovina, made famous by its dolphins that patrol the coast. It’s also a great spot for fine food, traditional massages and yoga – just what the doctor ordered after today’s epic mountain climb.

    Meals Included

    Special Information
    The summit trail starts more easily, while heading to the crater it climbs steeply with switchbacks over volcanic rocks and gravel. A good level of fitness is required. The path can be slippery, particularly after rain so good shoes are essential. Please bring your headtorch and a warm layer to wear at the summit. The climb may be cancelled during heavy rain and unsafe conditions.

    7. Tag -


    Enjoy a day of snorkelling amongst Menjangan Island’s coral reef, part of the Bali Barat National Park. On the way back from your undersea adventures, you’ll stop for a soak at Banjar Hot Springs, a small spring popular with locals. In the afternoon, stop in to enjoy a tasty cup of coffee with a difference at Global Kafe, a diner whose profits support the Global Village Foundation, providing wheelchairs and mobility aids for people with disabilities and assisting those with illnesses with their medical costs. Tonight, head to Ibu Wayan’s to learn about Balinese cuisine before sitting down to a home-cooked meal.

    Meals Included
    Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

    Special Information
    After a storm or erratic weather there can be a problem with rubbish in the water around Menjangan, and also throughout Bali’s coastal areas.

    Intrepid does not support dolphin-watching trips as an optional activity, as there is little regulation of this activity. Previous travellers have raised concerns over many motorised boats pursuing dolphin pods.

    8. Tag -

    Lovina - Sanur

    This morning we’ll wave goodbye to Lovina and make our way to Sanur. Along the way, we’ll visit Munduk waterfall, Lake Bratan and if we have time, we’ll pop into a local market. Then, you’ll visit a local family and learn how to make a Balinese offering (and discover the importance of this ritual) before continuing to Sanur to enjoy some free time in the afternoon. Perhaps, enjoy a stroll along Bali’s first beachfront walk, watch the fishermen in the shallows or kick back and relax at one of the beachside restaurants. Get a feel for the traditions and local customs which are well maintained here. Ancient temples are also easily accessible – just a short distance away from the beach.

    Meals Included

    9. Tag -

    Sanur - Tetebatu

    Travel by minivan from Sanur to the port of Padang Bai (approximately 1.5 hours). Then you’ll take a fast boat that takes you from Bali to Lombok (approximately 1.5-2 hours). Stop for lunch in a basic warung – a traditional Indonesian-style cafe, before taking a minibus to Tetebatu (approximately 2 hours). On the way, stop at Masbagik Village which is well known for its pottery products and where you will get to see it being made on a short walk around the village. The hill retreat of Tetebatu is situated in the centre of Lombok, at the southern base of Mt Rinjani, and boasts spectacular views. Tonight, you will enjoy an included dinner at a family-run restaurant that provides traditional Lombok-style cuisine.

    Meals Included
    Breakfast, Dinner

    Special Information
    Traditionally in Lombok, weddings are normally held on Sundays. Sometimes our local leaders may know about a wedding that coincides with your visit to Lombok. If this is possible your group leader can organise for you to attend a local wedding and help you to understand the many customs that you will see and experience. You will need to be dressed appropriately so they will organise traditional clothes to be hired and a small donation is given to the bride and groom. Please note this activity is only offered when a wedding coincides during your village visit.

    10. Tag -

    Labuan Pandan

    Enjoy a guided walk through lush rice fields and see how the region’s farmers have tended the land for centuries, still using traditional water buffalo ploughs. Climb a little higher and pass through clove and coffee plantations and stop at a local warung to try some local coffee (approximately 2.5 hours total). Visit the local village of Pringgasela to learn traditional weaving and enjoy a delicious Sasak feast. In the afternoon, return to the hotel then travel to Labuhan Pandan on the east coast of Lombok. This remote beachside location is lesser visited by tourists but is a beautiful stretch of coastline. Tonight you’ll stay in bungalow accommodation amid the peace and quiet of the secluded east coast.

    Meals Included
    Breakfast, Lunch

    11. Tag -

    Labuan Pandan

    Take a trip out to the nearby coral reef and enjoy some fantastic snorkelling off the boat. Stop in at a secluded island for lunch with Mt Rinjani towering over Lombok. Tonight, eat a fresh seafood barbecue on the beach. This is island living and relaxation at its best, so soak it all up!

    Meals Included
    Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

    12. Tag -


    Travel by minibus around the spiritual centre and sleeping giant of the island – Mt Rinjani (approximately 2 hours). Arrive around midday (12 pm) at Senaru – a small, rustic village nestled between the base of Mt Rinjani and the edge of the jungle. Take a guided tour of the local Sasak village to learn about the history and culture of these people who have long lived on the slopes of the mountain. Here, your local guide is part of a female guiding association that trains and develops women in tourism. You will also take a walk to the spectacular Singang Gila waterfall, and perhaps take a refreshing shower underneath it!

    Meals Included

    13. Tag -

    Gili Air

    Continue to the west coast today by minibus (approximately 2.5 hours). The Gili Islands (Tiga Gili) are a cluster of three small islands – Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air. Transfer by small boat to Gili Air (approximately 30 minutes), where you can take in the breezy atmosphere and stroll down stunning white beaches that rival those of the neighbouring islands. Your hotel is about a 15-minute walk from the port. Your bags can be transported by cidemo (horse cart) from the port to the hotel.

    Meals Included

    Special Information
    Your accommodation on the island has private outdoor bathrooms, with a lockable external door.

    14. Tag -

    Gili Air

    The island is your oyster, so today you are completely free to relax or explore. Perhaps take in another snorkelling trip or catch a ferry across to the other islands of Gili Trawangan and Gili Meno and work out for yourself which one has the better beaches. This evening, enjoy an optional group dinner on the beachfront as you reminisce on memories of your Lombok adventure.

    Meals Included

    Special Information
    Your accommodation on the island has private outdoor bathrooms, with a lockable external door.

    15. Tag -

    Gili Air

    With no activities planned for today, you are free to leave at any time, provided you comply with the hotel’s internal check-out times, usually at 11.30 am. This doesn’t mean your adventure has to come to an end! If you would like to extend your stay on the blissful Gili Air, we’ll be able to organise additional accommodation (subject to availability).

    Meals Included

    Special Information
    If you are flying out of Bali Denpasar Airport, or Lombok International Airport, please allow enough time for boat and land transfers before your flight. We suggest you don’t book flights before 7pm from Bali or 1pm from Lombok.

    This trip concludes on Gili Air. The closest departure flights operate from Bali (Ngurah Rai, DPS) Airport or Lombok International Airport.
    Due to a change in local regulations fast boats no longer travel directly from the Gili Islands to Lombok or Bali, and the only option is a slower public ferry. Public ferry tickets are not pre-bookable and operate on a ‘first come first serviced’ basis. For those travelling back to Bali a fast boat option is available, and pre-bookable through Intrepid.

    Indonesien | In touch with happiness


    • Adventure-Trip mit höchstens 12 Gästen
    • Garantierte Durchführung aller Termine
    • Fahrten im Reiseminibus sowie mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln
    • 14 Übernachtungen in Hotels und Gästehäusern sowie in einem einfachen Homestay
    • 14 x Frühstück, 5 x Mittagessen, 4 x Abendessen
    • Aktivitäten laut Tag-für-Tag-Programm
    • Eintrittsgelder
    • 341 m² Regenwald auf deinen Namen
    • Englisch sprechende einheimische Reiseleitung in internationaler Reisegruppe

    Aufpreis Wunschleistungen

    • Einzelzimmer (außer an Tag 10, 11 & 12): ab 395 €
    • Linienflug nach Bali und zurück inkl. Rail&Fly (1. Klasse): ab 1.200 €
    • Transfer zwischen Flughafen und Unterkunft: ab 40 €
    • Vorübernachtung in Ubud: ab 20 €
    • Anschlussübernachtung auf Gili Air: ab 25 €

      Jede Reise findet statt


      Höchstens 12 Gäste


      200m² Regenwald
      nachhaltig geschützt


      60% Lokaler Verdienst


      28 Jahre Erfahrung

      Indonesien | In touch with happiness

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      Aufpreis Wunschleistungen

      Indonesien | In touch with happiness


      Indonesien | In touch with happiness


      Indonesien | In touch with happiness

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