Peru & Bolivien

The spirit of Inti (15 Tage)

Egal, was vorher war, die Inka wollten alles besser machen und schufen die sagenhafte Kultur des Sonnenreiches. Als nach 400 Jahren ihr Stern sank, gab die Kolonialmacht Spanien der peruanischen Kultur ein anderes, gleichsam unsterbliches Gesicht. Nur der Urwald am Amazonas behielt seine Geheimnisse für sich. Alles auf dieser Reise.

Nachhaltig reisen

Lokaler Verdienst
Lokaler Verdienst
Zusammensetzung der Emission

Auf Basis der Emissionen deiner Reise berechnen wir die genaue Größe der Regenwaldfläche und stellen sie unter Naturschutz.

Lokaler Verdienst

»Lokaler Verdienst« bezeichnet den Anteil deines Reisepreises, der vor Ort verbleibt, also bei einheimischen Beschäftigten und Agenturen

Magische Orte




  • Abenteuer Amazonas
  • Aufenthalt bei einer Gastfamilie
  • Trekking auf dem Inca Trail
  • Per Boot über den Titicaca-See


  • Adventure-Trip mit höchstens 16 Gästen
  • Garantierte Durchführung aller Termine
  • Inlandsflüge von Lima nach Puerto Maldonado und von Puerto Maldonado nach Cusco
  • Fahrten im Reiseminibus sowie mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln
  • 14 Übernachtungen in Hotels und Lodges sowie auf Campingplätzen und in einem einfachen Homestay
  • 14 x Frühstück, 7 x Mittagessen, 6 x Abendessen
  • Aktivitäten laut Tag-für-Tag-Programm
  • Eintrittsgelder
  • 330 m² Regenwald auf deinen Namen
  • Englisch sprechende einheimische Reiseleitung in internationaler Reisegruppe
  • Peru: Ländertrailer Langversion (1:22)
    • Steile Treppe in der Inkastadt | © Walter Silvera, Inkaland Tours / Chamäleon
      Highlight dieser Reise

      Trekking auf dem Inka Trail

      Vier Tage geht es durch den Dschungel. Irgendwann hörst du auf die Treppenstufen zu zählen, die du bereits hoch- und wieder hinuntergestiegen bist und deine Muskeln schreien nach einer Pause. Doch all das lässt dich kalt, denn spätestens, wenn du die letzte Stufe erklimmst und Macchu Pichu dir zu Füßen liegt, dann ist all das vergessen. Die Endorphine kicken dich und im Antlitz dieser Jahrtausende alten Kultur fühlst du dich wie neugeboren. Diesen Moment kann dir keiner mehr nehmen!

      Reiseverlauf Reisedetails

    Es gab eine Zeit, da bestand Lima AM-PE-ST-Lima1 aus einer Ansammlung von Schilfhütten. Wie daraus die »Stadt der Könige« wurde, ist eine spannende Geschichte. Kannst du googeln oder in Bildbänden nachlesen, aber die eindrucksvollste Art ist der Ort, wo das Herz der kolonialen Altstadt im Viervierteltakt schlägt. Ein Weltkulturerbe, drei Schritte, ein Weltkulturerbe, drei Schritte und so weiter. Danach brauchst du eine Abkühlphase, und selbst dafür ist Lima erste Sahne: Parque del Amor mit Traumblick über die Strände der Costa Verde.

    Plaza de Armas in Lima | © Therese Block / Chamäleon

    Wenn du mit dem Amazonas AM-PE-SO-AmazonasRegenwald2 3dampfende Urwälder und außer Piranhas noch zehn Millionen Tier- und Pflanzenarten verbindest, von denen allerdings erst 15 Prozent entdeckt sind, dann ist dir auch klar, was du die nächsten zwei Tage und Nächte vorhast. Deine Unterkunft ist ein Teil des Paradieses, und die Geräusche des Dschungels sind die Musik deiner Zeit. Denn legt sich die eine Art schlafen, wacht die andere auf. Wir machen es genauso, zu Fuß und mit dem Kanu, Tag und Nacht in den unberührten Tiefen des Urwaldes. Zu einem Abenteuer der Sinne, das du nicht mehr vergisst.

    Wanderung durch den Regenwald | © Luisa Mentz / Chamäleon

    Wink den tausenden Schmetterlingen good bye, wir fliegen weiter nach CuscoAM-PE-ST-Cuzco4, die alte Hauptstadt des Inkareiches. Nach der Plaza de Armas, dem Dom bei Nacht, dem San-Pedro-Markt, dem Sonnenheiligtum Coricancha und einem Besuch im Chocolate-Museum, wird es die Hauptstadt deines Herzens sein. Mit Hilfe des Gottes Viracocha haben die Inka in Ollantaytambo AM-PE-ST-Ollantaytambo5 ein phänomenales Beispiel frühzeitlicher Stadtplanung abgeliefert. Das einzige intakte Dokument mit allem, was zu einer Bilderbuch-Stadt gehört. Und immerhin 600 Jahre her. Richtig gute Dinge altern eben nie.


    Nachtleben in Cusco | © Luisa Mentz / Chamäleon

    Die nächsten Tage wollen gut überlegt sein. Drei Möglichkeiten hast du zur Wahl. Die erste ist eine Herausforderung: Inca Trail. Durchmarsch über den »Dead Woman’s Pass« auf 4.215 Meter. 45 Kilometer der Originalstraße nach Machu PicchuAM-PE-SO-MachuPicchu6 7 8 9. Die zweite: 26 Kilometer auf dem Inca Quarry Trail. Täusche dich nicht, die Pferde am Startpunkt Rafqa sind nur für’s Gepäck, laufen musst du schon selbst. Die verschneite Sechstausender-Kette der Nevados del Perú entschädigt für jeden Schritt. Manche sagen, es sei das schönste Stück, aber das hat bestimmt mit der Vorfreude auf die letzte Etappe des unfassbaren, rätselhaften Meisterstücks der Inka-Kultur zu tun. Die dritte Variante für ausgeprägt Fußfaule führt über das kulturelle Zentrum der Inka nach Puca Pucara, Qenqo, Sacsayhuamán und das heilige Urubamba-Tal nach Aguas Calientes. Dann heißt es warten, erfreulicherweise in den heißen Quellen des Nebelwaldes, bis die Fahrt zum Höhepunkt der Inka-Kultur beginnen kann. Früh um halb sechs geht’s los. Lange vor dem Touristenstrom und pünktlich zum Sonnenaufgang am Machu Picchu. Einzigartig schön.

    Unterwegs auf dem Inka-Trail | © Therese Block / Chamäleon

    Egal ob Inca Trail, Quarry Trail oder die energetisch sparsame Variante – ein freier Tag in Cusco AM-PE-ST-Cuzco10 gehört immer dazu. Schließlich wurde die Stadt von Manco Cápac gegründet, dem aus dem Schaum des Titicaca-Sees geschaffenen Sohn des Sonnengottes Inti. Dessen Reich ist morgen unser Ziel. Der Bus windet sich spektakulär auf die Altiplano-Hochebene der Anden nach PunoAM-PE-ST-Puno11. Ups, ein Meer in den Bergen? So ist es. Mit über 8.000 Quadratkilometern ist der Titicaca-See das größte Binnenmeer Südamerikas und Schmelztiegel indigener Stämme wie der Aymara, Quechua und Urus, die nach wie vor auf Schilfinseln im See leben, auf die sie in früheren Zeiten vor den Inka geflohen sind. Vorteil: Vom Bett ins Bad in 1 Sekunde.

    Zu Besuch auf einer Schilfinsel im Titicaca See | © Therese Block / Chamäleon

    Wie lebt es sich auf schwimmendem Schilf? Gibt es einen Fußballplatz, Radio, Fernsehen? Und was, wenn beim Brutzeln der Grill ins Schilf kippt? Sieh selbst, wenn wir Kurs auf eine Audienz bei den Urus nehmen. Für die Nacht in Puno ziehen wir allerdings die Gastfreundschaft einer Indiofamilie vor. Verrückt, das Leben im Titicaca-SeeAM-PE-SO-TiticacaSee12 13, aber die Krönung sind die strickenden Männer auf Taquile. Wer zu Besuch kommt, muss durch den Bogen der Freundschaft und staunt. Die Frauen spinnen, die Kerle stricken. Tagein, tagaus. Rote Mützen für verheiratete Männer, weiße für Knaben. Die UNESCO hat es für einzigartig erklärt und geschützt.

    Uros-Mädschen auf den schwimmenden Inseln im Titicacasee | © Bartosz Hadyniak, / Chamäleon

    Ein Teil des Titicaca-Sees liegt in Bolivien. Warum also nicht gleich über die Grenze, damit der letzte Tag im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes noch ein Highlight wird: La PazAM-BO-ST-LaPaz14 15, on top of the world. Höchster Regierungssitz der Erde, aber es geht noch höher, mit unserem Angebot, auf ergreifende Art Abschied zu nehmen. Mit einem Blick über deine gesamte Reise, vom Gipfel des  Chacaltaya. 5.395 Meter hoch, hunderte Kilometer weit. Vielleicht entdeckst du ja deine nächste Abenteuer-Reise mit Chamäleon.


    Seilbahn über La Paz | © Nina Bäker / Chamäleon

    15 Tage Adventure-Trip

    1. Tag -


    Bienvenidos! Your journey into the Sacred Land of the Inca begins today. With indigenous cultures dating back millennia, Peru is a fascinating land of Amazonian rainforests, diverse wildlife and soaring mountains. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 2 pm at your hotel in Lima, where you’ll meet your tour leader and travel group. Afterwards, jump on public transport and head downtown for a guided walking tour of the city’s historical centre to take in the colonial mansions, palaces and churches that line the streets. Following this, you’ll have the rest of the afternoon and evening to do as you please. You might want to visit the Museum of the Inquisition to learn about the Spanish colonialism in Peru. Otherwise, perhaps wander around the city until night falls, then embark on an optional Lima Bites and Sights Tour with Urban Adventures, taking you to the bohemian Barranco district to sample the best local street food and Pisco cocktails. For more information, visit

    There are no meals included on this day.

    Special Information
    It’s very important that you attend the welcome meeting as we will be collecting insurance details and next of kin information at this time. If you are going to be late please let your travel agent or hotel reception know. Ask reception or look for a note in the lobby for more information on where the meeting will take place. If you can’t arrange a flight that will have you arrive in time for today’s welcome meeting, you may wish to arrive a day early so you’re able to attend. We’ll be happy to book additional accommodation for you (subject to availability).

    2. Tag -

    Amazon Jungle

    Rise and shine for your journey into the wilds of the Peruvian Amazon. Take an early morning transfer to Lima airport, then board a 3-hour flight to the Puerto Maldonado. On arrival, lodge staff will get you to pack a small duffle bag with clothing and other items needed for two days in the jungle, then you’ll stow the rest of your luggage and then travel by private vehicle to the water. Here, board a motorised canoe and cruise deep into the jungle. The journey to your eco-lodge in the Madre de Dios region will take around 3 hours, and you’ll be given a packed lunch on the way. Arrive and settle in to your thatched-roof lodge before a short orientation walk of the immediate area and a briefing. Spend the evening getting acquainted with the sights and smells of the jungle, relaxing to the peaceful sounds of nature.

    Meals Included
    Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

    Special Information
    Intrepid uses two different lodges in the same area. The activities may vary slightly according to which lodge you are at. Depending on which lodge you are staying at, the included night excursion may be on the tonight or tomorrow. As both lodges are in the same area of the jungle, you will see the same wildlife and your overall jungle experience will be the same in either lodge.

    3. Tag -

    Amazon Jungle

    Get ready for an unforgettable day exploring the depths of the jungle! Set out on a half-day trek guided by local experts on the areas flora and fauna. Learn from your guides about the medicinal and practical uses for some of the plants that grow here, which indigenous people have been studying and using for thousands of years. On your walk, keep an eye out for rainbow coloured macaws and butterflies, and listen for the barking call of the peccaries and chattering of monkeys that call the jungle home. This part of the Amazon is also known to house capybaras, giant otters and jabirus, so keep your eyes peeled for these exotic creatures. Return to the lodge for lunch and some free time to relax. Once the sun goes down, venture out on a night walk in search of some of the jungle’s nocturnal inhabitants.

    Meals Included
    Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

    Special Information
    Today there is an 11-km jungle walk. At times the paths can get quite muddy and some people can find the trek a little exhausting, but the adventure is well worth it! Along the way there will be regular stops and you’ll encounter magnificent fauna and flora in their natural habitat.

    4. Tag -


    Leave behind the natural wonders of the Amazon for the man-made wonders of Cusco today. Return to Puerto Maldonado to collect your luggage, then take a short 35-minute flight to the lofty city. If Lima is Peru’s head, then Cusco is definitely the country’s heart. Once you’ve spent some time acclimatising to the altitude of 3450 metres, head out on an orientation walk with your leader. See wonders of the ancient, colonial and contemporary variety on this stroll, including the Plaza de Armas (Main Square), the San Pedro Market, the 12 Angled Stone, Regocijo Square and San Blas Square. This tour will also include the most significant temple in the ancient Inca empire – Qoricancha. Despite being covered with a Baroque facade in the 17th century by the Spanish, the original Inca masonry has been uncovered in some areas. Wrap up your tour at the ChocoMuseo where you can sample hot chocolate made from local beans. The rest of the day is yours to enjoy as you wish. Maybe head out for dinner with your fellow travellers – your leader can recommend some good places to grab a meal. If you’re feeling adventurous, why not try one of the many establishments serving up cuy, which you might know by the English name of guinea pig. Or perhaps head to Cafe Daria, a central pizzeria which also provides vocational training for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

    Meals Included

    5. Tag -

    Sacred Valley / Ollantaytambo

    Hop on a private bus in the morning and travel through the lush terraces of the Sacred Valley to Ollantaytambo – one of the few places where the Inca defeated the Spanish. On the way, stop at a village and enjoy lunch and conversation in a community that still practices many Inca traditions. If you’d like, you can head to the archaeological park that lies to the left side of the main square. Otherwise, if you’re feeling energetic, climb to the top of the squared terraces and gaze down over the valley. Keep in mind that if you have chosen to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu you will begin your trek tomorrow, so don’t push yourself. Tonight, perhaps enjoy a quinoa and alpaca stew at one of the many local restaurants.

    Meals Included
    Breakfast, Lunch

    6. Tag -

    Inca Trail / Inca Quarry Trail / Train

    Depending on the travel arrangements you made before the trip, during the next four days you’ll be doing one of the following: hiking the Classic Inca Trail, hiking the Inca Quarry Trail or staying in Cusco for another two days before taking the train to Aguas Calientes. While away from Cusco, the bulk of your luggage will be stored at your hotel. If you’re hiking the Inca Trail or the Inca Quarry Trail, the evening before you leave Cusco you’ll receive a small duffle bag to carry your clothes in during the trek (5 kg maximum).

    Your team of porters will carry these bags for you, together with the food and equipment for the trail. Please note that you won’t have access to these items until the end of each day, as the porters will always be ahead of the group. If you’re travelling to Aguas Calientes by train, you’ll be able to leave most of your luggage at the hotel in Cusco and only travel with the necessary items during the excursion by train.

    Route 1 Classic Inca Trail:
    Today travel by minivan to the 82 kilometre marker and meet your crew of local porters, cook and guide. The first day includes uphill trekking to the campsite, which is at 3100 metres above sea level. On the way you’ll see the Inca sites of Ollantaytambo, Huillca Raccay and Llactapata, as well as incredible views of snow-capped Veronica Peak. In the evening, unwind at the campsite with a nourishing meal.

    Route 2 Inca Quarry Trail:
    Make an early start today and drive to Choquequilla, a small ceremonial place where Inca worshipped the moon. Drive to the starting point of the trek, Rafq’a, and meet the horsemen who join us on the hike. After an hour’s walk, reach the small community of Socma. Carry on to the Perolniyoc cascade lookout, an opportunity to stop for photos and a food break. Continue to the campsite, which is 3700 metres above sea level. You should reach the campsite around lunchtime. After lunch, set off to explore the Q’orimarca archaeological site, which once served as a checkpoint to the Inca.

    Route 3 Train:
    After spending the night in the Ollantaytambo, leave around 9.30 am and take a short drive to the town of Pisac. Pisac is well known for its market. Here you’ll have the opportunity to shop for souvenirs and perhaps try some local empanadas. Arrive back into Cusco in the afternoon, where your leader will take you to San Pedro Market in order to buy some things for a picnic tomorrow.

    Meals Included
    Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

    Special Information
    The Classic Inca Trail is within the abilities of most fit people, but be prepared – it’s 45 km long and often steep. Each day generally consists of seven hours of walking (uphill and downhill), with snacks and lunch stops. Trekking usually begins at 7 am (except the fourth morning) and you reach the campsite around 5 pm. Accommodation on the trek is camping (three nights). Double tents (twin-share) and foam camping mats are provided. Porters will set up the tents while the cook prepares meals.

    The Inca Quarry Trail is also within the abilities of most reasonably fit people. It’s 26 km long, the highest pass 4450 m above sea level. Throughout the trek, horses will carry your gear and camping equipment. The first two nights are spent camping and the third night at a simple hotel. Double tents (twin-share) and foam camping mats are provided. Porters will set up the tents while the cook prepares meals.

    Included lunch is for travellers on the trekking options and dinner will be provided to Inca Trail trekke

    7. Tag -

    Inca Trail / Quarry trail / Train

    Route 1 Classic Inca Trail:
    This is the most challenging day of the trek as you ascend a long steep path (approximately five hours) to reach the highest point of the trail. Colloquially known as ’Dead Woman’s Pass’, Warmiwanusca sits at a height of 4200 metres above sea level, providing amazing views of the valley below. The group will then descend to the campsite in the Pacaymayo Valley at 3650 metres.

    Route 2 Inca Quarry Trail:
    This is the most challenging and rewarding day of the hike. A three-hour walk takes us to the top of the first pass of Puccaqasa (approximately 4370 metres high). After enjoying picturesque views of the valley, it’s a short walk before stopping for lunch. Afterwards, make the two-hour hike to Kuychicassa, the highest pass of the trek at 4450 metres. From here, descend to the sacred site the Inca called Intipunku (Sun Gate), with views of the Nevado Veronica mountain. Head to the campsite, only a stone’s throw away at Choquetacarpo.

    Route 3 Train:
    Today, take a taxi to Tambomachay, an archaeological site just outside of Cusco. From here you’ll take a short downhill walk (between one and three hours) back to Cusco. On the way, stop to admire some of the archaeological sites, including Puka Pukara, Qinqu Quenqo and Saksaywaman. Arrive back in Cusco in the afternoon and enjoy some free time to go shopping, or perhaps visit Merida, Mendivil and Olave art galleries and workshops. Your tour leader will be able to give you some suggestions or point you in the right direction.

    Meals Included
    Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

    Special Information
    Included lunch is for travellers on the trekking options and dinner will be provided to Inca Trail trekkers only.

    8. Tag -

    Inca Trail / Quarry trail / Train

    Route 1 Classic Inca Trail:
    Start the day with a climb through the Pacaymayo Valley to Runkuracay pass (3980 metres). Enjoy views of the snow-capped mountain of Cordillera Vilcabamba before descending for around two to three hours to the ruins of Sayacmarca. Continue over the trail’s third pass to the ruins of Phuyupatamarca (3850 metres), also known as ’Town Above the Clouds’. Start the two-hour descent down the Inca steps to the final night’s campsite by the Winay Wayna archaeological site.

    Route 2 Inca Quarry Trail:
    Today’s hike will all be downhill. The first stop is the incomplete Kachiqata quarry, where the Inca were intercepted by the Spanish. Around midday, come to the end of the trek. Explore the cobbled streets of Ollantaytambo before taking the short train journey to Aguas Calientes. This is where you’ll meet up with the travellers in your group who didn’t hike. Visiting the natural hot springs in town is a soothing way to spend the late afternoon. Spend the night in a comfortable hotel before tomorrow’s visit to Machu Picchu.

    Route 3 Train:
    After a drive to Ollantaytambo (about one-and-a-half hours), catch a train through the winding Urubamba Valley to Aguas Calientes (another one-and-a-half hours). The city is nestled in the cloud forest at the foot of Machu Picchu. For those who want a sneak peak, there is time to visit Machu Picchu independently before a guided tour tomorrow. Otherwise, you can while away the afternoon in the natural hot springs at Aguas Calientes.

    Meals Included
    Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

    Special Information
    Included lunch is for travellers on the trekking options and dinner will be provided to Inca Trail trekkers only.

    9. Tag -

    Inca Trail / Quarry Trail / Train (Machu Picchu)

    Route 1 Inca Trail:
    This is the final and most spectacular leg of the trek to Machu Picchu. The day starts before dawn with breakfast at 4 am. Say farewell to the porters as they descend to the train station and then begin hiking by 4.30 am. Once the final checkpoint opens at 5 am, begin the final leg of the trek. The walk to Intipunku (the Sun Gate) takes around two-and-a-half hours. Weather permitting, enjoy unforgettable views over the ‘Lost City of the Inca’ as you enter Machu Picchu through the Sungate.

    Route 2 Inca Quarry Trail:
    Depending on weather conditions, take a bus at 5.30 am this morning along the winding road to Machu Picchu. The journey takes around 30 minutes. At Machu Picchu, join up with the travellers in your group who hiked the Classic Inca Trail. If skies are clear, enjoy a spectacular views over the ancient city from Intipunku (the Sun Gate), before going on a guided walk around the ruins.

    Route 3 Train:
    Take an early bus up to Machu Picchu at 5.30 am. The city was built around AD1440 as a country retreat for Inca nobility, but there’s evidence that the land had been a sacred Inca site for much longer. Take a guided tour around the ruins of temples, palaces and living quarters, and enjoy free time afterwards to wander around on your own before the group returns to Cusco.

    For all trails:
    After taking advantage of the seemingly endless photo opportunities, it’s time to return to Cusco for a well-deserved shower and a Pisco sour. Your evening is then free for the last night of your adventure.

    Meals Included

    Special Information
    According to Machu Picchu visiting regulations, all visitors must follow a pre-determined route within the site. This route must be followed in one direction only and once the guided visit commences exiting, re-entering the site is not permitted. Once the guided visit concludes, visitors must exit the site. Personal exploration of Machu Picchu is not permitted.

    Due to Intrepid’s internal safety policy, our leaders are specifically prohibited from recommending or assisting with booking trips to the mountaintop ruins of Wayna Picchu.

    10. Tag -


    Enjoy free time to relax, shop and explore more of Cusco’s sights. Perhaps rest your weary legs at a cafe on Plaza de Armas or head to the San Pedro Market where you can find vegetables, meats, local cheeses, chocolates, herbal medicines and many local handicrafts. It’s a great place to purchase some souvenirs or pick up ingredients for a picnic lunch. The market is also a place where many locals (and daring travellers) go to eat ‘mystery soups’. Some may be just chicken; however, the most popular among the locals usually contain frog or offal. For those who can’t get enough active adventure, why not try mountain biking in the hills that surround Cusco? If you’ve fallen in love with the Peru’s national beverage – the Pisco sour – consider joining an Urban Adventure where you will learn to craft your own, a souvenir you can impress people with for years to come. Find out more at or ask your leader for details.

    Meals Included

    Special Information
    Today you may like to visit the renowned Rainbow Mountain, or Vincunca in the local language. This activity involves climbing up to more than 5000 meters above sea level in one day, which can lead to life threatening altitude sickness. So, our tour leaders are only able to assist you booking this activity at the end of your stay in Cusco (when you will be better acclimatised) and on Intrepid operated departures where there’s full control over all safety aspects, such as transport, oxygen, emergency horses, adequate first aid kits and experienced guides. The price is indicative only and the final price will depend on the total number of travellers participating. Ultimately, costs can range from as little as USD 56 with 16 travellers to USD 216 for 2 travellers. A minimum of 2 travellers is required to operate this activity. Your tour leader can assist with booking this on the ground.

    11. Tag -


    Bid farewell to Cusco and travel by public transport through the dramatic scenery of the high altiplano to Puno. Located on the shores of vast and serene Lake Titicaca. At an altitude of 3800 metres, Lake Titicaca is the world’s highest navigable lake. Along the way there will be stops to drop off and pick up passengers, which may affect travel times slightly, but the journey should take around 6 hours. The long drive is worth it for the first glimpse of immense Lake Titicaca, whose seemingly endless waters stretch into the horizon. Puno is a melting pot of indigenous Aymara and Quechuan culture and traditional Andean customs, and it wears its traditions on its sleeve. If you’re lucky, your trip will coincide with one of the many cultural festivals here. Perhaps ask your leader where you can get the best grilled trout tonight – a true local specialty.   

    Meals Included

    12. Tag -

    Lake Titicaca Homestay

    Embark on a tour of the lake by slow motor boat, stopping at the floating Uros Islands. Built by the Uros people to protect themselves from encroaching Inca forces hundreds of years ago, the islands are constructed from many layers of totora reeds that grow in the shallows of the lake. Feel the bizarre sponginess of the island underfoot and learn a little about the history of the communities that called them home. Then, get a closer look at contemporary life on the shores of the lake with a homestay in a local community. Help your host family with their daily activities, try out a few words in Quechua (most importantly ’solpayki’ or thank you!) and perhaps join a local soccer game and make some friends on the makeshift pitch.

    Meals Included
    Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

    Special Information
    Your homestay tonight is a mud brick house. Rooms have beds and many blankets, and there are shared drop toilets but no showers.

    13. Tag -


    This morning after breakfast you’ll board the motor boat again and cruise to Taquile Island (approximately 1 hour), which is known for the intricate, hand-knitted textiles the locals produce. Here, knitting is strictly a male domain, and women do the spinning. It’s a great place to pick up some high quality, locally knitted goods. An approximately one-hour uphill trek brings you to the main area of the island, where you can shop for handicrafts and observe the symbolic clothing items worn by the local folk. After the visit, descend about 500 steps to the boat. Return to Puno, a journey that will take around 3 hours. Once back in Puno, perhaps gather a crew and find a local watering hole to enjoy a drink or two. By now you’ve probably had your fair share of Pisco sours, so maybe try a chilcano. While it also features a Pisco base, the cocktail is completed with ginger beer instead of egg whites.  

    Meals Included

    14. Tag -

    La Paz

    This morning, trade the still waters and quiet villages of Lake Titicaca for the bustling highland city of La Paz. Travel by comfortable local bus to Desaguadero and cross the border into Bolivia. At the border you will say goodbye to your Peruvian leader and a Bolivian leader will take over for the last portion of your tour. After border formalities at the Peruvian migration office, cross the bridge to Bolivia, submit your passport at the Bolivian migration office, then board the bus again. Continue to La Paz, stopping en route for another document check. The journey to La Paz takes about 5 hours, and you’ll cross into a different time zone. Discover the colonial architecture and browse the markets on a walking tour, taking in the vibrant expressions of indigenous culture. According to a 2012 census, just over 40 percent of Bolivia’s adult population are of indigenous origin, but discrimination stymied overt expressions of indigenous heritage until very recently. Aymara women wearing the traditional, distinctive bowler hat and long, layered skirts, for example, were banned from many public buildings until 2006. Over the last decade, grassroots activism and a shifting political landscape has created space for various indigenous cultures to live openly. After the walking tour, why not head to the Witches’ Market in search of folkloric remedies, potions and totems – it’s a great place to pick up a last-minute souvenir. 

    Meals Included

    15. Tag -

    La Paz and departure

    With no activities planned for today, you are free to leave after breakfast, provided you comply with the hotel’s internal check out times. As there isn’t a huge amount of time included in Bolivia on this itinerary, you may like to extend your stay by a few days. It you would like to spend more time in La Paz, we’ll be happy to organise additional accommodation (subject to availability).

    Meals Included

    Peru & Bolivien | The spirit of Inti

    Termine & Preise


    Aufpreis Wunschleistungen

    • Einzelzimmer (außer an Tag 2 & 3): ab 360 €
    • Linienflug nach Lima und zurück von La Paz inkl. Rail&Fly (1. Klasse): ab 1.000 €
    • Transfer zwischen Flughafen und Unterkunft: ab 15 €
    • Vorübernachtung in Lima: ab 30 €
    • Anschlussübernachtung in La Paz: ab 35 €


    Peru & Bolivien | The spirit of Inti


    Peru & Bolivien | The spirit of Inti


    Peru & Bolivien | The spirit of Inti

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    Peru & Bolivien | The spirit of Inti

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