
Canadian Heartrock (15 Tage)

Wir könnten mit Superlativen nur so um uns werfen, trotzdem würde keine Fantasie reichen, sich diese andauernde Flut atemberaubender Bilder vorzustellen, die die Natur hier hingezaubert hat. Noch schöner ist nur der Gedanke, in diesem Märchengarten die aktivste Zeit deines Sommers zu verbringen.

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Lokaler Verdienst
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Auf Basis der Emissionen deiner Reise berechnen wir die genaue Größe der Regenwaldfläche und stellen sie unter Naturschutz.

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Magische Orte




  • Campen mitten in der rauen kanadischen Wildnis
  • Zeit für Action in Whistler
  • Kanutrip im Wells Gray Provincial Park
  • Ursprüngliche Natur in den kanadischen Rockies
  • Wandern in den Nationalparks Banff und Jasper
  • Lass dich von Vancouver erobern


  • Chamäleon Adventure-Trips
    •  |
      Highlight dieser Reise

      Zeit für Action in Whistler

      An alle Adrenalin- und Adventurejunkies: Yup, ihr seid im Paradies angekommen. Da wäre nur noch eine schwierige Frage zu klären: Sollst du zuerst mit dem Mountainbike durch die Wälder brettern, oder dich doch lieber beim Ziplinen unter Beweis stellen? Ich für meinen Teil steige ins Kayak und schau mir die Landschaft vom Wasser aus an, wer ist dabei?

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    Alles, was wir dir an dieser Stelle raten können, ist eine Warnung: Komm ja nicht zu spät nach VancouverAM-CA-ST-Vancouver1. Denn jede Minute, die du verpasst, wäre ein Jammer. Und wenn du frühzeitig da bist, am besten gleich nach Gastown in den historischen Stadtteil. Hier hat Gassy Jack Deighton 1867 die erste Kneipe eröffnet. Und heute beteuert jeder nach dem zweiten Whiskey, dass es die schönste Stadt der Welt sei. Da ist was dran. Wenn die Dampfuhr in Gastown nine o’clock zischelt, schieben die DJs in der Granville Street die Regler hoch. Und schwupps ist schon Tag 2.

    Ganz früher lagen hier die Schleichwege der Squamish- und Lil’wat-Indianer. Dann rückten britische Fallensteller an und witterten das große Pelzgeschäft. Aber die Murmeltiere verhinderten mit Warnpfiffen, dass es ihnen allzu leicht an die Pelle ging. Seither heißt das Gebiet WhistlerAM-CA-ST-Whistler2 3. Ein Paradies für Kayaking, Mountainbiking, Ziplining. All for you. Und am zweiten Tag Peak2Peak Gondola, um von oben zu sehen, wo du gestern nicht hingekommen bist.

    Bevor die Holzfällersteak-Romantik zu Kanada gehörte, haben die Indianer Kräuter und essbare Pflanzen gesammelt. Dann brachten die spanischen Eroberer das Pferd mit und die Ureinwohner wurden zu nomadischen Bisonjägern. Seither rangiert auch unter Indianern ein saftiges Steak weit vor dem Grünzeug. Warum erzählen wir das? Weil die Vergangenheit lebt. In den teilweise noch unberührten Schutzgebieten wie dem Wells Gray Provincial ParkAM-CA-NP-WellsGrayProvincialPark4 5 6. Und ganz sicher am Lagerfeuer deiner Cowboy-Ranch. Muss man zum Clearwater Lake noch was sagen? Bei Durst halte den Kopf rein und trinke in vollen Zügen, das sollte zur Erklärung reichen. Die übrige Zeit paddeln wir in unseren Kanus durch diese biblische Landschaft zum Beachcamp. Schwimmen, am Feuer dein Essen kochen, Sternschnuppen zählen – so muss es damals schon gewesen sein.

    Vom Clearwater-Camp zurück, kommt im Jasper-Nationalpark AM-CA-NA-JasperNationalpark7 8 die Zeit der Augenweide. Wo die überwältigenden Panoramen der Rockys doppelt vorkommen, weil die Seen wie Kristallspiegel sind, bringt dich die Jasper SkyTram 2.300 Meter hoch. Sieh zu, dass jemand in der Nähe ist, der dich kneift, sonst glaubst du es nicht. Irgendwo da unten streifen Wapiti-Hirsche, Elche, Rehe, Wölfe und Bären durch die Wälder. Morgen streifst du mit. Mit dem Bike durch das Tal der fünf Seen, auf Kreuzfahrt im Lake Maligne oder im 40°C-Vollwaschgang der Miette Hot Springs.

    Es fällt wirklich schwer, sich hier die Superlative zu verkneifen, aber dieser muss noch sein: Der Icefields Parkway, die Verbindung von Jasper- und Banff-NationalparkAM-CA-NA-BanffNationalpark9 10 11, gilt als schönste Küstenstraße der Welt. Inselhüpfen von Gletscher zu Gletscher, und der mächtigste von den rund 100 unterkühlten Veteranen ist das Columbia-Eisfeld, die größte zusammenhängende Eismasse südlich des Polarkreises. Betreten erlaubt. In unserem Camp in Banff angekommen, hast du zwei Tage freie Auswahl, dein Glück zu machen. Mit der Gondelbahn auf Sulphur Mountain. Die Wasserfälle am Bow River. Abtauchen in den Hot Springs. Auf eine Tasse Tee zu (Lake) Louise oder laufen, laufen, laufen. 6.600 Quadratkilometer feinstes Wanderparadies sollten wohl reichen.

    Es gibt goldigere Orte als GoldenAM-CA-ST-Golden12, aber der eisblaue Kicking Horse River reißt alles raus. Die Farbe allein ist es nicht, er hat alles, was man für den ultimativen Kick beim Wildwasser-Rafting braucht: wilde Parcours, springende Stromschnellen, spektakuläre Landschaft und – yesses, ist das etwa ein Bär? Yep, das ist einer! Vergiss nicht, wir sind im Yoho-NationalparkAM-CA-NA-YOHO13, und wenn hier einer Vorfahrt hat, dann sind es die Canadian Bigs. Zwei bärenstarke Tage.

    Hier fehlt nicht etwa ein Komma, in der schneeverwöhntesten Region der Welt fallen tatsächlich Jahr für Jahr 17 Meter Neuschnee. Sie halten im Glacier-Nationalpark AM-CA-NP-GlacierNationalpark14 über 400 Gletscher bei Laune. Von unten her hält ein sagenhafter Wald dagegen. Riesen-Lebensbäume, Weymouthskiefern, Felsengebirgstannen. Sie beherbergen fast 200 Vogelarten, Schwarzbären, Grizzlys, Vielfraße und Wenigfraße. Dann bleibt noch ein letztes Superlativ, bevor sich der Kreis deiner Reise in Kamloops AM-CA-ST-Kamloops14 schließt: der einzige Binnen-Regenwald der Welt. Wo es für das schmatzende Grün eigentlich nicht nass genug ist, sorgt der Steigungsregen im Mount-Revelstoke-Nationalpark für eine urgewaltige botanische Explosion. Du bist nun wieder da, wo alles begann. Vancouver AM-CA-ST-Vancouver15 steht noch. Die Towers und Buildings, der Skulpturenpark A-maze-ing Laughter, das Museum of Vancouver, Science World – ach je, mehr Zeit müsste man haben. Vor allem so eine tolle Zeit, aber dafür gibt es ja YOLO.


    15 Tage Adventure-Trip

    1. Tag -


    Welcome to Vancouver, Canada. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6 pm at the hotel, where you can introduce yourself to your fellow travellers and tour leader. If you arrive early in Vancouver, why not take a walk around the Victorian buildings in the historic Gastown neighbourhood or wander through the behemoth urban forest that is Stanley Park. Captivated by Vancouver and worried you won’t have enough time to see what the city has to offer? Remember you’ll be back to bookend your journey.

    There are no meals included on this day.

    The hotel offers a free 24-hour shuttle service. Courtesy shuttle pick-up areas are located at the green canopy outside of Arrivals Level 2 International Terminal and outside the Arrivals Level 1 Domestic Terminal. The shuttle runs every half hour.

    Special Information
    It’s important that you attend the welcome meeting as we will be collecting insurance details, an optional food kitty contribution and next of kin information at this time. See ‘Is this trip right for you’ for more information regarding the food kitty. Ask reception or look for a note in the lobby for more information on where the meeting will take place.

    2. Tag -


    Today, leave Vancouver behind and travel to the outdoor mecca that is Whistler. Drive along the Sea to Sky Highway, widely considered one of the most scenic routes in the world, with a stop at Squamish along the way. If time permits, it may be possible to take a short hike to the massive granite monolith known as The Chief before continuing to Whistler. While there are no included activities planned for your time in Whistler, there are plenty of optional activities to take part in during your stay. Hiking, mountain biking, zip-lining and kayaking are just some of what’s on offer. Have a chat to your leader about how to go about booking and taking part in these activities. You’ll have time today on arrival to get your bearings before you settle into the campground for the night.

    There are no meals included on this day.

    3. Tag -


    Rise and shine for a free day in this outdoor adventure hub. Remember that all activities in Whistler are optional and some may come at an additional cost. Zip-lining tours are an amazing way of getting an aerial view over Fitzsimmons Creek and, if you’re lucky, seeing some bears along the way. During the warmer months, hiking is a great (and inexpensive) way to get the lay of the land, just keep in mind that the rugged terrain can make for challenging trails. There are also some great cycle networks in Whistler, so you have the option of hiring a bike and riding to one of the nearby lakes. Don’t forget to spend some time exploring Whistler Village, a charming pedestrian-only town with plenty of bars, cafes and restaurants.

    There are no meals included on this day.

    4. Tag -

    Wells Gray Provincial Park

    Make sure you’ve got a book, a podcast or some sparkling conversation ready as you settle in for a long drive to Wells Gray Provincial Park (approximately 6–7 hours). You’ll arrive in time to set up camp for the evening on a rustic cowboy ranch. Enjoy a cold beverage in an authentic saloon and then relax with dinner by the campfire. Complete the classic North American campsite by crafting s’mores (marshmallow, chocolate and graham crackers) and sharing stories over the crackle of the flames.

    There are no meals included on this day.

    5. Tag -

    Wells Gray Provincial Park

    This morning you’ll travel deeper into Wells Gray Provincial Park, disembarking at Clearwater Lake. Pack your camping equipment into a canoe and cruise into the water. On a sunny day the name of the lake is particularly apt, and if you work up a thirst while paddling you can drink the pristine water around you, no filter necessary. After some instruction from the canoeing guides, paddle about 2.5–4 hours to a secluded beach campsite. Set up camp for the night and spend some time swimming or exploring before cooking dinner. The campsite tonight is a little more basic than others on the trip. It has tables, fire-pits and tent sites, but only pit toilets and no showers. But trust us, the stunning location more than makes up for the rustic facilities.

    There are no meals included on this day.

    Special Information
    No canoeing experience is needed as our guides are also instructors and will help you to perfect the Canadian technique, but you will need a basic level of fitness in order to enjoy the journey.

    6. Tag -

    Wells Gray Provincial Park

    Wake up lakeside and choose whether to set out on a short, unguided hike from the campsite or enjoy a relaxing breakfast on the lakefront. Pack up your gear and hit the water again, alighting along the way at another beach for a picnic lunch. Back at the starting point, help unload and store the canoes and then drive to the ranch, checking out some amazing waterfalls along the way.

    There are no meals included on this day.

    7. Tag -

    Jasper National Park

    Hit the road bound for Jasper National Park, a journey which should take around 5.5 hours. Along the way you’ll see views of Mt Robson, the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies. You’ll arrive in the afternoon, giving you time to head out on an optional walk. Try and catch a glimpse of the area’s wildlife such as moose, elk, deer, bears and coyotes. If you’re lucky enough to spot one or more of these beasts in their natural habitat, remember to keep your distance of at least 100 metres from predators (bears, coyotes) and 30 metres from all other animals. One optional activity that may be of interest if you arrive with a few hours of daylight to spare is the Jasper SkyTram. This tramway ascends to 2300 metres above sea level to a great vantage point in the Rocky Mountains with breathtaking views.

    There are no meals included on this day.

    8. Tag -

    Jasper National Park / Maligne Lake

    Today you’ll make a visit to of Maligne Lake. Make sure you’ve got a charged phone or camera ready to capture shots of the jagged mountains and bright green pine forests that surround these glacial waters. Take a hike around the area and then choose whether you’d like to pay for an optional cruise around the lake, including a visit to Spirit Island. This tiny ‘tied’ island is one of the most photographed spots in the Canadian Rockies for a reason, so if you can afford it the optional cruise is worthwhile.

    There are no meals included on this day.

    9. Tag -

    Banff National Park

    Take a scenic morning drive through mountain scenery on the famous Icefields Parkway, which connects Jasper and Banff National Parks (approximately 4 hours). There will be numerous opportunities to stop at viewpoints and waterfalls along the way. This includes visits to the ice fields of Athabasca Glacier, where you can choose to either admire from a distance or explore on an optional guided tour. On arrival at your campground in Banff, get your bearings with a brief walk. You’ll be spending the next three nights here, so settle in and start planning what to do in your free time.

    There are no meals included on this day.

    10. Tag -

    Lake Louise / Banff National Park

    Over the next two days you’ll visit the pristine Lake Louise and stunning Moraine Lake with hiking opportunities at both locations. Banff is Canada’s oldest national park, with valleys and mountain chains formed between 55 and 80 million years ago. You’ll also have ample free time to explore Banff and take part in optional activities. As always, your leader is there to help, so pick their brain for advice on which (if any) you wish to participate in. Options include a gondola ride up Sulphur Mountain, a dip in the natural hot springs or exploring the hoodoos and falls of Bow Valley by foot. There are many trails of different lengths, allowing you to hike for as long (or short) as you wish.

    There are no meals included on this day.

    11. Tag -

    Lake Louise / Banff National Park

    You will spend another night in Banff National Park.

    12. Tag -

    Yoho National Park

    Today drive for around two and a half hours to a place so beautiful its name comes from a Cree word that means awe and wonder – Yoho National Park. On arrival, take a walk down the Kicking Horse River and visit Takakkaw Falls (the second-highest falls in Canada at 384 metres). If time permits, you’ll also visit Emerald Lake, which (perhaps unsurprisingly) is an arresting shade of cyan. Your two nights in Yoho National Park give you ample time to explore the terrain and take part in optional activities. Thrillseekers might want to give whitewater rafting a go. Half- and full-day options are available for rafting, giving you the chance to get wet and wild on class III to class IV+ rapids. For those who prefer to approach nature in a calmer way there are plenty of great trails – ask your leader for a recommendation that matches your fitness level.

    There are no meals included on this day.

    13. Tag -

    Yoho National Park / Golden

    You will spend another day in Yoho National Park.

    14. Tag -

    Glacier National Park / Kamloops

    This morning, travel through the high mountain clearing of Rogers Pass to reach Glacier National Park. Stop at Rogers Pass Discovery Centre for a look around and (depending on time and conditions) take a short hike through an old-growth area of cedar and hemlock. As one of the world’s most active avalanche areas, most of the rugged, mountainous area of Glacier National Park is inaccessible for day hikes. Drive through Mount Revelstoke National Park, which contains part of the world’s only temperate inland rainforest, and (if time allows) explore the area on a short hike. The destination today is the town of Kamloops. Keep in mind that the drive today will take approximately 6–7 hours, so get those devices and reading materials ready.

    There are no meals included on this day.

    15. Tag -


    Make the journey back to Vancouver (approximately 4–5 hours). The arrival time depends on a variety of factors such as weather, but you should expect to be back in the city before 3 pm. There are no activities scheduled upon arrival in Vancouver. If you are flying out on this day please don’t book a flight before 8 pm, as this will give you enough time to catch a shuttle from the hotel to the airport and be there two hours before departure. Vancouver is the largest city in western Canada and well worth some extra time to explore the city’s delights. Should you choose to stay longer in Vancouver we’ll be happy to book additional accommodation for you (subject to availability).

    There are no meals included on this day.

    The hotel offers a free 24-hour shuttle service. Courtesy shuttle drop-off areas are located outside of the International Terminal and outside the Domestic Terminal. The shuttle runs every half hour.

    Kanada | Canadian Heartrock


    • Adventure-Trip mit maximal 13 Gästen
    • Garantierte Durchführung aller Termine
    • Reiseminibus
    • 14 Übernachtungen auf Campingplätzen und in einem Hotel 
    • Aktivitäten laut Tag-für-Tag-Programm
    • Campingausrüstung (exklusive Schlafsack)
    • Nationalparkgebühren und Eintrittsgelder
    • 221 m² Regenwald auf deinen Namen
    • Englisch sprechender einheimischer Guide in internationaler Reisegruppe

    Aufpreis Wunschleistungen

    • Einzelzimmer (außer an Tag 7,8,9,10 &11): ab 660 €
    • Linienflug nach Vancouver und zurück inkl. Rail&Fly (1. Klasse): ab 900 €
    • Shuttle-Transfer zwischen Flughafen und Unterkunft: 0 €
    • Vor- oder Anschlussübernachtung in Vancouver: ab 100 €

      Jede Reise findet statt


      Höchstens 12 Gäste


      200m² Regenwald
      nachhaltig geschützt


      60% Lokaler Verdienst


      28 Jahre Erfahrung

      Kanada | Canadian Heartrock

      Termine & Preise

      Aufpreis Wunschleistungen

      Kanada | Canadian Heartrock


      Kanada | Canadian Heartrock


      Kanada | Canadian Heartrock

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